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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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SIRS - Health, Inequalities and Social Ruptures

Head : Chauvin Pierre, UMRS 707, equipe ds3 - UPMC

Version 3


Last update : 01/01/2019


SIRS - Health, Inequalities and Social Ruptures

Head : Chauvin Pierre, UMRS 707, equipe ds3 - UPMC

Main objective

General objective: to investigate the impact of living conditions and social integration on health and health care usage. Secondary objective: to investigate territorial factors (social, urban and available services) in relation to health an health care usage.

Inclusion criteria

Voluntary French-speaking adults

SurvSein - Study on long-term iatrogenic effects for women treated for breast cancer between 1954 and 1985 at the Institut Gustave Roussy

Head : De Vathaire Florent, U1018 CESP équipe 3
Rubino Carole, U1018 CESP équipe 3

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


SurvSein - Study on long-term iatrogenic effects for women treated for breast cancer between 1954 and 1985 at the Institut Gustave Roussy

Head : De Vathaire Florent, U1018 CESP équipe 3
Rubino Carole, U1018 CESP équipe 3

Main objective

SurvSein is a prospective and retrospective cohort study of women treated for breast cancer between 1954 and 1983 at the Institut Gustave Roussy in order to measure the iatrogenic effects of long-term treatment.

Inclusion criteria

Subjects of female gender Women aged 18 or over Women treated for breast cancer

DEFI - Determination of epidemiology of fibromyalgia

Head : Millet Véronique, Pfizer

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


DEFI - Determination of epidemiology of fibromyalgia

Head : Millet Véronique, Pfizer

Main objective

- Evaluate the prevalence of fibromyalgia in the general population, in five ""French regions"", by identifying:
• in a first step, by telephone, potential or known fibromyalgia patients,
• then in a second step, from among these patients, those that have fibromyalgia validated by a rheumatologist.
- Describe the characteristics of the patients with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia validated by a rheumatologist.
- Describe the characteristics of patients for whom this diagnosis has not been validated by the rheumatologist.
- Compare the characteristics of these two groups of patients to one another and each of them with the characteristics of the general population of the study.

Inclusion criteria

- Patients aged 18 years or older.
- Patients deemed apt to answer the questions.
- Randomly selected patients who accept to participate in the survey (in the event of a refusal, the selected person was not replaced within the home or in the study)."

- Management of high cardiovascular risk patients treated with statins in France

Head : Piedbois Pascal
Thomas-Delecourt Florence, AstraZeneca

Version 4


Last update : 01/01/2019


- Management of high cardiovascular risk patients treated with statins in France

Head : Piedbois Pascal
Thomas-Delecourt Florence, AstraZeneca

Main objective

To describe utilisation of newly prescribed statins in French primary care

Inclusion criteria

Any patient for whom a treatment with statin was initiated for at least 3 months and less than 6 months

ELCAPA - Longitudinal Study on Elderly Cancer Patients: Impact of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Head : Paillaud Elena, Médecine gériatrique - Albert Chenevier

Version 2


Last update : 01/01/2020


ELCAPA - Longitudinal Study on Elderly Cancer Patients: Impact of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Head : Paillaud Elena, Médecine gériatrique - Albert Chenevier

Main objective

The general aim of ELCAPA is to identify the impact of comprehensive geriatric assessment components on changes in planned cancer treatment, and to investigate the frequency where cancer treatment plans were not fulfilled (with reasons for non-fulfilment), as well as associated risk factors.

Inclusion criteria

Cancer patients aged 70 years and over that were referred for geriatric oncology consultation at Henri/Mondor/Paul Brousse and have undergone a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA).

e-TUD - Transversal study on medical management of glaucoma /ocular hypertension

Head : TROY Sylvie, Pfizer

Version 2


Last update : 01/01/2019


e-TUD - Transversal study on medical management of glaucoma /ocular hypertension

Head : TROY Sylvie, Pfizer

Main objective

The main objective of this survey is to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic care for glaucoma and/or ocular hypertensions (defined by an intraocular pressure ≥21 mm Hg) examined on the day of the survey.
The secondary objectives are:
- The description of the satisfaction and of the observance perceived by the doctors according to the treatments,
- The diagnostic techniques used: visual fields, ocular imaging and gonioscopy,
- The risk factors for patients in routine practice,
- The exercise mode for ophthalmologists in caring for glaucoma and/or ocular hypertensions.
- Putting the data into relation with the data from the survey conducted in 2003.

Inclusion criteria

All of the patients having glaucoma or an OHT coming to a consultation in ophthalmology on the given day were included in the survey, if they met the following conditions:
- at least 18 years of age,
- diagnosis of glaucoma, or OHT already established at the time of the consultation.
- were informed about the survey and gave oral agreement for the use of the data concerning them.

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